Types of Planes
At Long Island Silent Flyers we fly:
Un-powered Sailplanes and Gliders
Electric Powered Self-Launching Sailplanes and Gliders
In addition we fly Slow to Moderate Speed Electric Planes as starter or trainer planes that will enable new members to quickly learn to fly in preparation for learning thermal soaring and not as regular flyers.
To answer a regular question that we are asked, no we don’t fly drones. Here is a link to a webpage of local clubs on Long Island were you’ll find folks flying helicopters and UAVs / drones.
One of the challenges that new pilots have is the need to be on the field and in the air with other pilots and airplanes. Having planes scream past your plane while you are trying to learn the basics can be a bit unsettling and a new pilot can feel they are getting in the way.
At LISF we don’t have that problem. It is normal for our glider pilots to fly in pursuit of thermals, leaving plenty of space for new pilots to work with an instructor or coach. In addition, since slow to moderate speed is our normal flying speed, being in the air with other planes is a lot easier. Finally, we have a very large field with lots of air space, so there is usually plenty of room for everyone.
If you are a new pilot interested in learning to fly using a pure glider, electric glider or a small electric plane, come to LISF: it’s a great place to learn to fly. We have club members who look forward to helping you learn. After all, we were all new once and someone helped us. Let us help you.
Unpowered Sailplanes and Gliders
All unpowered/unmanned gliders and sailplanes are welcome at the field. Acceptable launch methods include hand thrown, up-start, hi-start, bungee, electric winch or aerotow behind a club approved tow plane.
Free-Flight Planes
Free-Flight (FF) is one of the earliest forms of flying model aircraft that dates back as far as the 1800s. There are no expensive radios or batteries to charge or maintain and it requires little to no field equipment, making FF one of the lowest cost ways to enter the hobby. The most popular type of free-flight. as practiced at Stillwell, is rubber powered. Wingspans can range from 8 inches right up to 50 inches or more.
Electric Powered Self-Launching Sailplanes and Gliders
LISF defines electric powered gliders and sailplanes as planes that are marketed as gliders/sailplanes, member designed models of similar design, or models that are replicas of full scale gliders/sailplanes. Electrified Old Timers will be considered gliders under the club rules.
Slow to Moderate Speed Electric Planes
The club has received permission to fly small electric planes that are not specifically designated as gliders/sailplanes, but which have glider like flight characteristics and slow to moderate flying speed. The club views these as starter or trainer planes that will enable new members to quickly learn to fly in preparation for learning thermal soaring and not as regular flyers.
Thermal Duration Gliders, TDs, are a class of radio controlled airplane that rely on the energy in the air to sustain flight, as opposed to the energy in a liquid fuel or a battery. Like sail boats, thermal duration gliders ride the natural energy contained in the air. Not only is it magical to watch, it is exciting to do as you are engaged in a hunt for a thermal, then a find, then the joy of riding that unseen force to greater heights . . . read more

For many people, when they think of radio controlled flying they think of “gas” airplanes, or planes that fly using motors that are powered by a liquid fuel. The smoke and the screaming engines are what comes to mind. While these can be lots of fun, over the past 10 years there has been a strong movement to electric powered airplanes and electric launched gliders. Electrics are clean, reliable and . . . read more

Constructed of tissue paper and balsa, rubber powered and having weights measured in mere grams, free flight models became popular in the United States in the 1930s and have had a place in our hearts ever since . . . read more

Discus Launched Gliders (DLGs) have become popular in the glider hobby. DLGs are a special form of thermal duration glider that is hand launched. These planes are so easy to fly and require nothing in terms of launch equipment. We just chuck them into the air and go thermal hunting. You don’t have to be big or strong to launch DLGs. Height is achieved by technique rather than strength . . . read more

The following is provided as a suggested plane list for our newer members. There may be others that are suitable but these are definitely good for our field. The links are provided for your reference, not to direct you to buy from any particular source. In fact, whenever possible, we recommend that you purchase your planes from the local hobby shops. They can provide personal service and help . . . read more