DLG / Hand Launch / F3K

A Discus Launch Glider (DLG) is a special form of thermal duration glider that is hand launched. F3K is a contest class for hand-launched model gliders. These planes are easy to fly and require nothing more in terms of launch equipment than an able body. We just chuck them into the air and go thermal hunting.
You don’t have to be big or strong to launch DLGs. Height is achieved by technique rather than strength. A weak launcher can easily launch over 50 feet. A strong launcher can break 150 feet and more. You can get a great flight as you hunt for lift.
Earlier style hand launched gliders used a javelin technique. This worked well but was very difficult to get them over 75 feet on the launch. DLGs have a peg in one wing that allows the pilot to spin the plane in a circle using the plane’s own weight to help launch it. This technique requires very little strength, but by its nature can and has caused knee injuries. LISF and ESL no longer have DLG contests, but perhaps with the imposition of a 400 foot limit these types of planes and contests will make a comeback using a different launch technique. They are fun to fly.
Discus launched gliders differ from other gliders in that they are small and light. Typical wingspans run from 30″ to 60″ with weights from 4 to 10 ounces. There are some nice entry level DLG gliders for under $100.
If you have never seen a discus launched glider being thrown, click on these links:
Cloud Dancer DLG Glider- Maiden Flights
Bruce Davidson DLG Launch Technique